Continuous power for industrial production

Ensuring a constant power supply is essential to maintain efficiency and continuity in the industrial sector. With the HGY series, companies can enjoy an uninterrupted power supply safeguarding production, maximising performance and reducing the risk of unplanned downtime.

Power optimisation for any industry

HGY gensets are designed to maximise uptime in processes such as food processing, chemicals, pharmaceuticals. Integrated with continuous and emergency power solutions, they improve power efficiency, reliability and availability. Our HGY units provide reliable power by reducing costs and operating as the main source of energy in those moments when grid power supply is not possible or is insufficient to cover the real power demand of these industrial facilities.

HGY series generators are designed to meet the critical demands of the industrial sector, providing complete power systems that include automatic transfer switches, control systems that allow monitoring of equipment and other essential devices for efficient power management.

Sustainability and efficiency

reduced operating costs

In the industrial sector, where CO₂ emissions account for around 24% of the global total, according to data from the International Energy Agency, sustainability is key to reducing environmental impact. HGY gensets are designed to address this challenge, operating on biofuels such as HVO and with gas and hydrogen ontheir roadmap.

The HGY series generators stand out in the industrial sector for their high-power efficiency and ability to optimise fuel consumption thanks to the ‘Fuel Optimisation Consumption’ (FOC) system. This advanced Yanmar engine technology significantly reduces operating costs, allowing industrial companies to keep their processes running in a profitable and sustainable manner.

Reliability and safety

In the industrial sector, this equipment offers comprehensive protection against energy failures, guaranteeing a continuous and safe supply. With a response time of less than eight seconds, they ensure operational stability, preventing interruptions and protecting the continuity of operations in any industry and production centre.

Comprehensive support for acoustic engineering solutions

HGY series generator sets are not only highly efficient, but also minimise noise pollution, reducing the environmental impact in industrial environments. By integrating advanced noise-reducing technologies, we contribute to creating a more sustainable and less invasive working environment, ensuring that our products meet the highest standards of environmental responsibility in the industrial sector. HIMOINSA has a team of acoustic engineering experts at the customer's disposal to offer bespokesolutions for each project with highly soundproofed solutions.